Aleesha's 4 month appointment at clinic

Monday, November 30, 2009

mOn 16/11/09, it was aleesha's appointment for monthly visit at Klinik Kesihatan Bukit Panchor :) hehe - it really feel like at home with the frenly staff here. Hmmm...actually back at lab it was a busy busy busy day for me. Stress gile ngan mana nak buat lab then nak g appointment aleesha plak terkebetulan bz dr ke'excited'an aku nak tau perkembangan berat aleesha super sit every work yg telah menyebabkan ke'busy'an aku..

..with my strongest will plus naluri keibuan yang tinggi (cheewah), i manage to work out those thing which kept me busy since morning. Aleesha..ibu is coming k..(aku ckp dlm hati ondaway to fetch aleesha from babysitter's house).

..hehe..seperti biase..aleesha sangat excited bile dibwk naik kete..x dok diam kat carseat die..comel je anak ibu ni..complete with her snow btul ke topi die ni name snow cap..papa die yg slalu panggil cmtu..this time aleesha x kene inject..g timbang je..hehe..nasib baik la x ramai x la lame sgt menunggu..bile timbang tu berat aleesha dh 5.8kg..okla tu..dh naik sket..risau gak sbb lately aleesha cm kurang minum susu nurse ckp berat die ni dh ok dh..berat naik kire ok la..die pon suke je..asyik gelak je bile nurse dok agah2 die..siap mase ukur2 tu die dok diam je..good girl..;) nurse tu siap ckp 'baiknye adik ni..'hehe..cmtu la anak ibu..:) mm next month aleesha kene inject..sure nangis nye la..huhu..